Friday, May 14, 2010

Impersonate Justin Bieber??!!

I had a REALLY weird dream... I don't know why I dreamed of him because I actually hate the guy even since from the beginning... Here it goes..

I was just normally walking to school. I suddenly bumped into a guy. He stared at me and suddenly he kidnapped me? I don't know what's going on.. I ask him where are we going but he's just speechless.. When we arrived at the place he was bringing me, I was shock that we we're in New York??!! I ask him why are we here.. He suddenly talked to me.. He told me that Justin Bieber was missing and he wants me to be him for the meantime before any serious problem begins. He told me that I look like HIM??!! WTH?! I said no to him instantly, because I really am an Anti-Justin Bieber fan not because he's gay, I already hated him since the beginning. He's just a kid with a kid voice and all girls go gaga about him.. For me he's not really cute or handsome, he's just a plain boy, why go gaga about him.. Sorry for the fan girls of him, don't hate me.. This is just me.. The man was actually Bieber's manager.. He begged to me, he even have me $10,000 for this.. But I didn't care about the money.. But I kinda am feel sorry for the manager that I accepted it in the end.. So there.. I tied my hair and wore a hat.. The job was so tiring.. Because all the fangirls are so crazy about me that I can't almost breathe with the crowd.. In the end, they found the real Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber thanked me in my dream.. I really didn't care anyways..

That's the dream.. Weird isn't it? I really don't know why Justin Bieber was in my dream.. But the impersonate thing, I think I know the reason why I dream about impersonating.. Because I read a manga about that.. The manga was MagicalXMiracle.. I think you might check it out..

And anyway.. I definitely 100% don't look like him!! Why in my dream I look like him?

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