Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thousand of Hairfall!!!

I just dreamed of a weird dream (as usual.. T__T) I dreamed of myself having a hair fall. Yes, this sounds like normal to you but actually when i just pull my hair, the whole part is GONE! In the end my hair become shorter because of that.. weird.. and scary to have that TOO MUCH hair fall.. poor me. :(

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I'm too young to bear THIS??!!

This is one of the WEIRDest dream EVER! I dreamed of myself getting pregnant.. And i just did it with my first love last night, which was sooo weird. And the worst thing is that when i dream of something happening to me it really feels like real so it looks like my stomach is heavy because of the life inside me! Okay.. that was a total random weird dream... X(

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Elevator Game that never Ends

This seems sounds weird to you but i think the reason why i dreamed of something like this is because i actually want to try this in the near future. At this time i see myself at my dream being childish. I dreamed of myself playing with the elevator. In real life, this was one of the childish dreams that i want to do but was never allowed to. I keep playing with it until i got confused and end up getting the wrong floor. For example, I'm going to floor 5 but ended up pressing 6 and have to start all over again. Again, this is really childish of me. For others it would be just simple to press the correct floor but the childish me can get confuse at times. There going up and down again because of my mistakes and I ended up getting tired because of the tension i give that makes me confuse. But in the end of the dream, i was able to go the floor that i was supposed to go in the beginning but that was longer than expected. In this dream, it made me think that i should be careful with the buttons in the elevator which was a bit useless to be aware of because almost all of the people are already aware. xD